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For those looking for a non-traditional, organic, free-spirited celebration of life...

1 h
800 US dollars
Location 1

Service Description

I believe in the power of funerals and memorial services. I studied death and dying extensively through out my Master degree, and found myself captivated by the diverse ways that human kind understands, copes, and grieves death. Because of this I approach death and dying rituals from a nontraditional and exploratory space; I am not afraid of what feels good for you and what honors the memory of your loved one. No matter how strange, avant-garde or out of the ordinary, I believe that a funeral that feels perfect in your heart is one that will bring immense healing and nourishment in times of grief. I provide a strong, gentle and compassionate presence to our sessions, where we will explore the wishes of your loved one and the needs of you and your community. And, you have an option to be as involved or uninvolved as you need. I am here to support you, and provide a ritual that will give you exactly what you are needing. Funeral package includes two planning sessions (first is one hour, second 30 minutes) and a rehearsal at your convenience. Grief counseling and support is also available for an additional fee.

Contact Details

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